
this moment is your life

the sun sets over Albany, NY.

this shot was taken from the Holiday Inn Express parking lot. there were five others pulled over/parked taking the same shot. lesson here: the world is beautiful, even from the HI Express parking lot in Albany, NY.

off subject but OH so good, Mayer Hawthorne finally released his video for "A Long Time", a tribute to Detroit. B and i saw him perform this song in Boston last fall and i've been dying for it to be released. the video features footage from the vintage Detroit dance show, "The New Dance Show". check it here. does it get any funkier/cuter/better than that?

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I don't know what is more impressive, this shot or the fact that others were around and snapping photos of this scene as well! Very cool :)

    ...And, I cannot wait to check out this song!
